The Kent Center Alcohol-Drug Assessment

Addiction is a disease which, without treatment/recovery, ends in jail, an institution, hospitalization and/or death. The first step is admitting you have a problem. To help you determine this, fill out the following questionnaire.

Congratulations for taking this very important first step on your road to recovery!

How old were you when you first used alcohol? __________
How old were you when you first used drugs? __________
Age of first intoxication? __________
Date(s) last use: __________   Type: __________   Amount: __________
Date(s) last use: __________   Type: __________   Amount: __________
Date(s) last use: __________   Type: __________   Amount: __________

Have you ever had legal troubles (arrested, jail, DUI’s)?   Yes ___   No ___
Does using interfere with your eating or sleeping?   Yes ___   No ___
Have you experienced blackouts?   Yes ___   No ___
Does it take more to get the same effect?   Yes ___   No ___
Does it take less to get the same effect?  Yes ___   No ___
Do you usually drink/drug with others?   Yes ___   No ___

Longest clean/sober period within the past 6 months: __________
Longest clean/sober period in a lifetime: __________

Have you been diagnosed with any of the following medical problems?
Pancreatitis _____   Heart Trouble _____   Ulcers _____
Esophageal Varices w/ Bleeding _____   Esophageal Varices w/o Bleeding _____
Diabetes _____   Hepatitis _____   STD’s _____

Have you ever experienced any of the following withdrawal symptoms?
Seizures _____   DT’s _____   Shakes _____   Sweats _____   Irritability _____
Anxiety _____   Nausea _____   Vomiting _____   Insomnia _____
Intense Dreaming _____   Nightmares _____   Delusions (usually paranoid) _____

Answer the following questions, using the last two years as your time frame:

Have you ever felt you should cut down on drinking?    Yes ___   No ___
… or drug use?   Yes ___   No ___

Have you ever been criticized for drinking?   Yes ___   No ___
… or drug use?   Yes ___   No ___

Have you ever felt bad or guilty about drinking?   Yes ___   No ___
… or drug use?   Yes ___   No ___

Have you ever had a drink first thing in the morning (an eye-opener)
to steady nerves or to get rid of a hangover?   Yes ___   No ___

If YES to any of the above, an in-depth substance abuse assessment may be indicated.

To schedule a full assessment, call The Kent Center at 401-732-5656.